
Friday, 25 May 2012

The Bath Party

Bath Party is not that funny, but it can be so ridiculous .. 

From left to right: Saddam Hussein, Asmaa Al Assad, Hafiz Al Assad, Bassel Al Assad, Bashar Al Assad, chemical Ali

And the list continues...

Made by Ronak

Thursday, 17 May 2012


Ev diwara na dı şara Muhammad Mahmoud de nı, pır nezike jı Tahrir vı lı Qahira.

jı mero re çiroa rewsha Mısre dıbejı.

Hina gellek diwar hebun mı nıaribu suret jıwanre gırtıba, jıber xele u siara.

Fermo bıkın!

Those walls are in Muhammad Mahmoud St, next to Tahrir Square in Cairo.

It explains some details of the Egyptian revolution..

There were more paintings that I couldn't take photos for.

Enjoy it!

Photos by Ronak

Monday, 14 May 2012

Us and our Kids

Life could pass very fast, and when you wake up one day, you'll see that almost everything has changed.
Then there will be no time to regret, and your children will pay the price because of being stubborn and selfish...

Lets keep our world free from violence...

Jian pır zu dımeşe, u gava tu jı xeu rabe rojeke, te bıbine go hemu tısh hatına guhertın.
İja we çaxe, we nema wext hebe jı bo tı bıneddımı, we zaroke te heqe ananyeta te bıdın..
Dıve em dınia xwe safi bıkın jı şer u tırade...

Photos by Ronak
From a movie location in Cairo

Monday, 7 May 2012


When you see the perfect garment of freedom behind bars..

gava mero xweşıkbuna azadye jı pış hesne zındana dıbine..

 عندما ترى الحرية في اجمل حلة لها من وراء القضبان 

Photos by Ronak

Saturday, 5 May 2012

Sea in Izmir

After taking these photos, I was surprised by the heaviest rain ever in my life...

Pışti mı ev suret gırtın, baranek bısere ajeba hat, tıştek dımıd nema ..

بعد التقاط هذه الصور, تفاجأت بأقوى مطر في حياتي 

Photos by Ronak