Hıngi ez ajızbum u teşaum bımır çe bu, jıber nuça u
bıtaibeti Suri. mıgo ka dıve ez jı vi bajari derkevım, hama kuderebı, almuhım
jı dervi Qahira bı.
Mı dıxwest ciki go kesek mın
nebine, gelki dur bı...
ez çum gundeki jın ji pe
dernaxe be lu kuye :D
Ev ciaia geli xweşa, lıser
sinore Mısre bı Libya
Xelken pır baş u dev lıken, ava
buhare lı hemu derie, asar ji zemene Ferouna..
dıve hun gısh herın wede
ineke tene.
After a heavy depression because of news, specially from Syria of course ,
I decided to get out of Cairo and its all stress.
Finally we were
in the middle of no where, where ghosts drink wine and have nice chats under moonlight!
I can consider this tiny little village near the border withLibya , one of
my favorite places so-far.
I can consider this tiny little village near the border with
Amazing nature with oasis and
desert, spring water, ruins back to more than 2600 BC, and such nice people.
I'll let you now with the photos
to speak instead!
Our first Toktok journey!
The first donkey I saw there...after that I saw donkeys everywhere!!
To the juice shop where the
spring water that comes from the ground ..
A cute baby
trying to swim! she was the juice owner's baby!
And this is her mother :) a very nice lady from Boston!
She makes a really good juice!
Just very old!
A part of Alexander Castle
From the top of Alexander's castle, you see oasis everywhere!
This lake is full in winter, but in summer it turns to salt! BEAUTIFUL
A noisy, little, skinny, cute cat!! She also liked to be squeezed by babies :D
Ya sttar!! m7l
Ya sttar!! m7l
The mountain of dead people " Jabel Al Mouta" has lots of holes and a very old Pharaonic drowning, about death, Mummification, Punishment and Judgement.
Break ! Istiiraha
Lake of Fitnas
Reached all those places by a motorbike!
Photos by Ronak