Fayoum bajarekı lı
Mısreye, gelek ci le henı u pır xweşı, le ez neçum hemu dera... deve ez
disa herım wede! nezik ınşala.
Xelke weda dınia nediti bun, hema ban me dıkırınö deve her yek tıştek gotıba, hema dıkırın bırbır.
Xelke weda dınia nediti bun, hema ban me dıkırınö deve her yek tıştek gotıba, hema dıkırın bırbır.
Some memories from Al Fayoum trip when we had to be full of energy beside being stress and there were lots of surprises!
Any car or person would pass by us, should produce a voice or noise ,mostly welcome to Egypt or Hello. and sometimes any thing, even if it doesn't make any sense, like baaaa or haaa or wyyyy!!
But This one day trip was definitely not enough, I want to go there again and see more stuff..
Any car or person would pass by us, should produce a voice or noise ,mostly welcome to Egypt or Hello. and sometimes any thing, even if it doesn't make any sense, like baaaa or haaa or wyyyy!!
But This one day trip was definitely not enough, I want to go there again and see more stuff..
Cows visiting the petrol station,
Duck Market
Fayoum children summer time!
The strange thing about it, some of the children were totally naked, but on the other hand women were swimming with their veils and niqabs! at least they were so happy just to put them self in the water!
Zaroke wan tazy bun, le pireke wan bı tev şerpe xwe dıketın nav avede, u bıtev nıqabe ji. u çı kefxweşbun bıser haladı!
A sailor from Fayoum...He seems he was staring at me!
A romantic lovely donkey!
I tried to call him and shout, but he never looked back.
Mı xwe kuşt gı ev ker lı mı bınerı, guh jı neda mın!
Photos by Ronak
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